‘Plain English guide’ to completing the Local Plan Consultation

For those of you as befuddled with responding to the Thanet District Council Local Plan Consultation as we first were, I’ve put together a ‘plain English guide’. It will walk you through responding step-by-step, and offers suggestions for Manston Airport supporters.

You can view the guide below at:

You can respond to the Local Plan consultation at:

More pro Manston Airport responses are needed – so please don’t hesitate to respond today! If you have any questions, please ask us below, and please share with all fellow supporters. Oscar.

The Local Plan will set out policies and proposals that will be used to guide decisions and investment on development and regeneration over the period to 2031. It will set out how and where the homes, jobs, community facilities, shops and infrastructure will be delivered and the type of places and environments we want to create. The Local Plan will have far reaching implications for everyone with an interest in Thanet’s future.

Together, we will say YES to aviation for Thanet and NO to another mixed use development. YOU can make the difference TODAY.
