Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum suffering from decline in visitor numbers since closure

This is part of the very real way that the current closure of the airport affects everything around us, including the task of keeping the memory alive of those who fought for us and saved for the generations to come.

The Spitfire & Hurricane Memorial Museum is falling short of the necessary funds to keep them going, so are asking for donations and volunteers.

Remember to visit and to support the museum’s based there, not forgetting the excellent RAF Manston History Museum who also will be suffering from the decline in numbers.

Please also remember to share this post with your friends, remind them of the history and let’s see if we can make a difference.

Their message posted on Facebook today:

“The Museum needs your help. Since the airport closure we have had a big decline in visitors and thus cash income.

We are a free attraction and totally self-funding, with no income from National or Local Government.

Last year our annual costs were very high. £ 26,228 for staffing and training — £ 14,364 for general repairs and maintenance. — £ 11,713 cost to improve the collections display including insuring the aircraft ,( a single new display case costs £ 4,880) — £ 11,001 for the utilities including heating and climate control to protect the aircraft. This is a total of £ 93,000

Our three income streams are £ 27,000 from our shop, £ 26,000 from the cafe and £ 23,000 from all donations. This is a total of £ 76,000.

The Museum is just surviving at this moment. CAN YOU PLEASE HELP US. We need an additional £ 20,000 to survive and continue our expansion plans.

We need Donations via our Website donation button, we need some more Volunteers – about 12 more, we need you to come and visit us again and bring new friends, and we need you to spend some cash in our cafe and shop.

For more information on how you can support the Museum and help us to remain free and open on a regular basis please see: http://www.spitfiremuseum.org.uk/donate “

Spitfire Museum




Main Image:By Nilfanion (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons