TDC Planning Committee Responds to Appeals Inspectorate
At the Thanet Council Planning Committee meeting tonight, a recommendation was sought in order to express the Council’s views to the Planning Inspectorate on the planning appeals made by Lothian Shelf (718) Ltd.
Appeals have been lodged with the Planning Inspectorate over the planning applications for three of the buildings because of the delay in bringing these to the Committee for decision. Building 870 that was refused permission by the Committee, currently forms part of a separate appeal where the decision will be defended.
The Officer’s recommendation, which was carried tonight with one abstention, was to confirm that Members would have refused permission on the other three buildings as well for the same grounds had there not been appeals: “The proposed development, by virtue of the loss of a building for aviation use, would create the potential need for additional buildings within the countryside and would not constitute essential airside development, contrary to Thanet Local Plan Policies CC1 and EC4 of the Thanet Local Plan, and paragraphs 14 and 17 and guidance within the National Planning Policy Framework”.
Policy CC1 is “Development in the Countryside”.
Policy EC4 is connected with land at the airport that is reserved for airside development.
It is interesting and important to note that the Planning Officer stated that those two policies put the Council in a strong position, as they are “up-to-date” and are in “broad alignment with the National Policy Framework”. The view is that “full weight should be afforded to these policies by Planning Inspector in determining the appeals”.
It is not yet clear when decisions will be received from the Planning Inspector on these appeals, they are still in progress, with final comments due in by the 24th February.
In the agenda item on the Richborough Connection (new high voltage connection between Richborough and Canterbury North), Cllr Ashbee raised the question if it would have any impact on Manston Airport, to which Officers responded that it would not.